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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef _SYN_SINGLETON_H_
00002 #define _SYN_SINGLETON_H_
00004 #include <stdlib.h> // for NULL, duh...
00006 namespace syn
00007 {
00015    template< class singleClass >
00016    class Singleton
00017    {
00018    public:
00029       inline static singleClass* instance( void )        
00030       {                                                 
00031          // WARNING! race condition possibility, creation of static vars 
00032          // are not thread safe.  This is only an issue when creating
00033          // your first thread, since it uses a singleton thread manager,
00034          // the two threads might both try to call instance at the same time
00035          // which then the creation of the following mutex would not be certain.
00036          //static vpr::Mutex singleton_lock1;       
00037          static singleClass* the_instance1 = NULL;   
00039          if (NULL == the_instance1)                 
00040          {                                            
00041             //vpr::Guard<vpr::Mutex> guard( singleton_lock1 );
00042             if (NULL == the_instance1)        
00043             { the_instance1 = new singleClass; }         
00044          }                                      
00045          return the_instance1;                     
00046       }
00048    protected:
00053       Singleton()
00054       {
00055       }
00058       virtual ~Singleton()
00059       {
00060       }
00061    };
00062 }; // end of namespace vpr
00065 //
00066 // Non-locking version
00067 //
00068 /*
00069 #define vprSingletonHeader( TYPE )                               \
00070 public:                                                          \
00071    static TYPE* instance( void )                                 \
00072    {                                                             \
00073       static TYPE* the_instance = NULL;                          \
00074       if (the_instance == NULL)                                  \
00075       {                                                          \
00076          std::cout << "Creating instance of: TYPE" << std::endl; \
00077          the_instance = new TYPE;                                \
00078       }                                                          \
00079       return the_instance;                                       \
00080    }
00082 #define vprSingletonHeaderWithInitFunc( TYPE, INIT_FUNC_NAME )   \
00083 public:                                                          \
00084    static TYPE* instance( void )                                 \
00085    {                                                             \
00086       static TYPE* the_instance = NULL;                          \
00087       if (the_instance == NULL)                                  \
00088       {                                                          \
00089          std::cout << "Creating instance of: TYPE" << std::endl; \
00090          the_instance = new TYPE;                                \
00091          the_instance->INIT_FUNC_NAME();                         \
00092       }                                                          \
00093       return the_instance;                                       \
00094    }
00096 #define vprSingletonImp( TYPE ) ;
00097 */
00099 #endif

Generated at Mon Apr 15 09:26:08 2002 for subsynth by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001