lowlevel audio synthesis subsystem. modular analog synthesizer in software
: lit.search :
prior work
- aRts
- modular analog synthesizer in software
- Navel Research Labs (NRL), Hesham Fouad
- University of Illinois, Sumit Das, Camille Goudeseune
- http://www.isl.uiuc.edu/software/vss_tutorial/sonifications/HowTo.html
- http://www.isl.uiuc.edu/software/vss_tutorial/index.html
- http://www.isl.uiuc.edu/software/software.html
- synthesis toolkit (STK)
- http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/software/stk/information.html
- massively parallel additive synthesis
- University of Illinois, Urbana Champagne
- moog and other old modulars..
- lake dsp
- Audio Works (paradigm/multigen)
- fraunhofer
- diva
- instrument modeling.
- gnu.org - octal
- engine plus GUI, implements unit generator concept
- click here for
- CSound (Win32, Linux, Mac, IRIX, etc...)
- many synth methods, scripting language only
- SuperCollider (Mac only)
- many synth methods, scripting language only
- Music DSP, http://www.musicdsp.org/. Very good resource!!!
- A DSP Primer : With Applications to Digital Audio and Computer Music
by Ken Steiglitz, Kenneth Steiglitz
- game programming gems 2 (audio section)
by Mark DeLoura (Editor)
- oss http://www.opensound.com/pguide/oss.pdf
- read my OSS Notes (much shorter to read!)
- good source of digital audio background (if you don't want to buy a book)
- some notes on various sound APIs, how they are implemented, sound configuration/access methods they present to the user.
- read my sound.api.notes
- cowdio @ sf.net
- a few filters that work well in realtime...
- http://linux-sound.org
- lots of soft synths here.
- generation of pink (1/f) noise - Robin Whittle rw@firstpr.com.au
- http://www.firstpr.com.au/dsp/pink-noise/
- rbj filter
- http://www.harmony-central.com/Computer/Programming/Audio-EQ-Cookbook.txt
- midi note to frequency conversion chart
- FreeVerb, great opensource reverb toolkit....
Books (I recommend)
x The Computer Music Tutorial, Roads, Curtis
x Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition, and Performance -- by Charles Dodge, Thomas A. Jerse
Books to Read
- Elements of Computer Music, Moore, F.
- Musical Signal Processing (Studies on New Music Research, 2), Curtis Roads
- Digital Filters by R. W. Hamming
- DSP Filter Cookbook
by Jayant Datta (Editor), Brent Karley, John Lane, Jay Norwood
Other Books
- "Vintage Synthesizers" by Mark Vail. Very good description of all those antiques we love!
- "Electric Sound" by Joel Chadabe. Interviews with over 150 synth pioneers.
keywords to search for:
- Computer Music
- Music DSP
- Music Signal Processing
- acoustic modeling
- software synth
- analog synth
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